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Spring 2020 DSSG Workshops

This spring, the DSSG will reprise a number of popular workshops, including our core Digital Foundations series (Digital Teaching Methods and Fundamentals of Digital Scholarship). Fundamentals of Digital Scholarship is being offered earlier this semester so that attendees interested in learning even more skills will have the opportunity to take more advanced workshops later in the term. Numerous new workshops are also being developed, including Text Analysis in R with Quanteda; Tidying Data with Python and OpenRefine; Remediating Assignments with Scalar; and more. Several DSSG members will also offer workshops at DataFest 2020, including Network Analysis with Gephi; Interactive Data Visualization with R Shiny; Web APIs with Python; and Acquiring and Analyzing Social Media with NVivo. DSSG Biweekly Office Hours will also run from 1/30 through 5/7.

Additional DSSG and partner events include ArtTechPsyche VI (3/27), the IIIF Annual Conference and Showcase (6/1 to 6/4), the Discovery speaker series, and more.

Spring 2020 Workshops Schedule: