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Event Series

Past Events

  • Fundamentals of Digital Scholarship

    Fundamentals of Digital Scholarship introduces participants to the core stages of digital scholarship’s research workflow: the acquisition, manipulation, analysis, and presentation of data. This two-day seminar serves as a springboard for faculty, students, and staff who wish to explore the potentia... Continue reading →

  • DSSG Lab Session

    The Digital Scholarship Support Group invites you to come work on your projects in a collaborative environment with DSSG members and other scholars. In these informal, drop-in lab sessions, you can bring your questions, or just have a supportive environment in which to get your work done. For summer... Continue reading →

  • GIS Institute Summer 2022

    GIS Institute Instructors:    Scott Bell  and  Jill Kelly Registration Schedule: Application deadline (extended):  Friday, March 18, 2022, 11:59 pm (Late applications may join the waitlist) Notification of acceptance: Friday, April 1, 2022 Registration fee due ($100 for Harvard affiliates and $3,150... Continue reading →

  • CGA Virtual Forum 2022: The Uneven Geography of Climate Change

    A changing climate impacts everyone’s ability to feed and support themselves, but not equally and not randomly. As the largest agricultural workforce in the world, farmers in India demonstrated in late 2021 that radical and inclusive democratic mobilization can be a force for foundational change in ... Continue reading →

  • Cartography Workshop (spring 2022)

    Lead Instructor:  Jeff Blossom See for description and fees. How to Apply: For Harvard Affiliates, please submit your application by clicking the green 'HARVARD APPLY' button(HUID login required). For Non-Harvard applicants, please submit your application... Continue reading →

  • Cartography Workshop (CGA)

    Lead Instructor:  Jeff Blossom See for description and fees. To Apply, visit the CGA website.... Continue reading →

  • Web Scraping with Python

    This workshop will introduce a number of tools that are useful in web scraping. When the data that you need is on a website with no download option and no API access, scraping data from the web can be your best option. This workshop assumes a basic working knowledge of Python. If you have worked wit... Continue reading →

  • Industry Seminar: Toyota

    Speaker: Ram Chandra Check back for details.... Continue reading →

  • Industry Seminar: Toyota

    Speaker: Ram Chandra (Principal Data Scientist) Registration Check back for details.... Continue reading →

  • Placing Virtual Reality: Japan’s Alternative VR History

    This talk tracks the emergence of virtual reality during the “VR boom” of the early 1990s, exploring how the cultural understanding of VR transformed as it crossed the Pacific and was taken up in Japan. Japan's embrace of VR shifted it away from both its early military contexts and American-style te... Continue reading →

About the Harvard Discovery Series

The Harvard Discovery Series brought scholars on the frontiers of digital knowledge-making to a Harvard audience in an intimate and interactive setting. From an archaeologist reconstructing tombs in virtual reality, to scholars challenging power differentials through data feminism, to a quantum astrochemist using high-performance computing to search for life among the stars, these presentations of disparate topics demonstrated the unifying potential of digital methods and tools in scholarly and pedagogical pursuits. The series went online in 2020 and was sunset in 2022.