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Event Series

Past Events

  • Data And/In the Humanities

    DSSG member Carol Chiodo is the next speaker in the Harvard-Yenching Library Forum's East Asian Digital Humanities Series. She will be speaking on "Data And/In the Humanities." Please RSVP to Feng En Tu at ... Continue reading →

  • DSSG Office Hours, Spring 2019 (Wednesdays)

    Do you have a digital scholarship project in mind but need some guidance on getting started with the research process? Drop in during Office Hours with questions and DSSG members will suggest tools, methodologies, and approaches that can benefit your work, and try to connect you with relevant resour... Continue reading →

  • DSSG Office Hours, Spring 2019 (Thursdays)

    Do you have a digital scholarship project in mind but need some guidance on getting started with the research process? Drop in during Office Hours with questions and DSSG members will suggest tools, methodologies, and approaches that can benefit your work, and try to connect you with relevant resour... Continue reading →

  • DataFest 2019

    DataFest is a two-day workshop held during J-term and developed by data practitioners and researchers from across the university. Hosted by the Institute for Quantitative Social Science (IQSS), the purpose of the workshop is for participants to develop skills in working with data. It is structured a... Continue reading →

  • Foundations Seminar: Digital Teaching Methods

    Join the Digital Scholarship Support Group for the Digital Teaching Methods workshop, a one–day seminar in the DSSG's Foundations Series that focuses on the thoughtful integration of digital tools and methods in teaching and learning. This iteration of the event is part of the Bok Center's Winter Te... Continue reading →

  • AR/VR Open House: Cabot Library

    Visit Cabot Library's new AR/VR studio! Cabot Library will be holding an open house for its new AR/VR studio on the second floor.... Continue reading →

  • Library Carpentry 2019

    The Library Learning Initiative is hosting a two-day Library Carpentry workshop on Tuesday and Wednesday, January 15-16, 2019, from 10:00-4:30 both days, including lunch and a coffee break. The workshop will cover the following in-depth, hands-on modules: Introduction to Data; the UNIX Shell; Tidy D... Continue reading →

  • Using Web APIs with Python (Fall 2018)

    [] Comfortable with basic Python and want to expand your digital toolkit? Interested in querying and analyzing real-time data or faceted big data? Want to process data using web services or create data mashups? This workshop will help participants integrate RESTful APIs into their data processing wo... Continue reading →

  • Data Analysis Using Spreadsheets (Or: Make Pivot Tables Your Friend)

    Bring your laptop! In this hands-on workshop, we use Google Sheets to convert data into visualizations. There will be a particular focus on combining pivot tables with simple graph functions to quickly and dynamically explore your data. Halloween candy will be provided. Oct. 31 at 1:30 pm in Lamont ... Continue reading →

  • Foundations Seminar: Fundamentals of Digital Scholarship

    Fundamentals of Digital Scholarship is a two-day seminar designed to introduce participants to the core stages of digital scholarship’s research workflow: the acquisition, manipulation, analysis, and presentation of data. This seminar is intended to serve as a springboard for faculty, students, and ... Continue reading →

About the Harvard Discovery Series

The Harvard Discovery Series brought scholars on the frontiers of digital knowledge-making to a Harvard audience in an intimate and interactive setting. From an archaeologist reconstructing tombs in virtual reality, to scholars challenging power differentials through data feminism, to a quantum astrochemist using high-performance computing to search for life among the stars, these presentations of disparate topics demonstrated the unifying potential of digital methods and tools in scholarly and pedagogical pursuits. The series went online in 2020 and was sunset in 2022.