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Event Series

Past Events

  • The Hedera Project: Reading that Fits

    Postponed: this event has been postponed due to university guidelines on the coronavirus. We will be rescheduling the talk for later in the semester, in a format yet to be determined (virtual or in-person). Hedera is an online language learning environment inspired by research on how people acquire ... Continue reading →

  • Visual Eloquence: A Hands-On Workshop for Creating Effective Data Visualizations (Spring 2020)

    Are you interested in using data visualizations to explore your data or as part of your research output, but unsure of where to start? Are you already using data viz, but want to learn to create more effective presentations with different applications or programming languages? Consider attending Vis... Continue reading →

  • Foundations Seminar: Fundamentals of Digital Scholarship (Spring 2020)

    Fundamentals of Digital Scholarship is a two-day seminar designed to introduce participants to the core stages of digital scholarship’s research workflow: the acquisition, manipulation, analysis, and presentation of data. This seminar is intended to serve as a springboard for faculty, students, and ... Continue reading →

  • DSSG Office Hours, Spring 2020 (Wednesdays)

    Due to the impacts of the coronavirus, we are only able to offer remote office hours. These will be held at the same times as in-person office hours. Please fill out the same Google Form linked above so that we can ensure we have enough volunteers on hand to handle both Zoom sessions and in-person c... Continue reading →

  • DSSG Office Hours, Spring 2020 (Thursdays)

    Due to the impacts of the coronavirus, we are only able to offer remote office hours. These will be held at the same times as in-person office hours. Please fill out the same Google Form linked above so that we can ensure we have enough volunteers on hand to handle both Zoom sessions and in-person c... Continue reading →

  • Datafest 2020

    Numerous DSSG members will be leading workshops at DataFest 2020: DataFest 2020 is a collaboration among many Harvard institutions, including the following partners:... Continue reading →

  • Foundations Seminar: Digital Teaching Methods (Spring 2020)

    Join the Digital Scholarship Support Group from 10am to 3pm on January 15th and 16th for the Digital Teaching Methods seminar, a two–day event in the DSSG's Foundations Series that focuses on the thoughtful integration of digital tools and methods in teaching and learning. The Digital Teaching Metho... Continue reading →

  • Using Web APIs with Python (Fall 2019)

    Comfortable with basic Python and want to expand your digital toolkit? Interested in querying and analyzing real-time data or faceted big data? Want to process data using web services or create data mashups? This workshop will help participants integrate RESTful APIs into their data processing workf... Continue reading →

  • Identity, Personhood, and Material Culture: Personal Effects Confiscated from Prisoners at Dachau Concentration Camp

    Concentration camps were much more than a corollary to National Socialism: they represented the most fully articulated manifestation of its ideology. From the very beginning, they formed the backbone of the Third Reich’s repressive apparatus and, through mass detention, deprivation, terror, and geno... Continue reading →

  • Mapping History (Day 2)

    Today, visual and digital tools are increasingly being used in the social sciences and humanities for translating historical documents into datasets that can be digitally manipulated and recombined. Mapping is an effective tool for reconstructing the past, which reveals the spatial relationships tha... Continue reading →

About the Harvard Discovery Series

The Harvard Discovery Series brought scholars on the frontiers of digital knowledge-making to a Harvard audience in an intimate and interactive setting. From an archaeologist reconstructing tombs in virtual reality, to scholars challenging power differentials through data feminism, to a quantum astrochemist using high-performance computing to search for life among the stars, these presentations of disparate topics demonstrated the unifying potential of digital methods and tools in scholarly and pedagogical pursuits. The series went online in 2020 and was sunset in 2022.