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Event Series

Past Events

  • Program on Political Economy Seminar

    Zoom links for Political Economy Seminar are distributed via the seminar's mailing list. You can sign up for the list using this link: All interested faculty and students are invited to attend. Today's presenter: David Broockman (UC Berkeley) Ab... Continue reading →

  • Workshop in Applied Statistics

    You can attend this workshop via this link: If you would like to be added to the email list to receive reminders and information about the series, please send your email address to Soichiro Yamauchi ( Today's presenter: Tyler VanderWeele... Continue reading →

  • Do Less Work by Using the Unix Shell

    This hands-on workshop will introduce you to the Unix shell, a power tool that allows people to do complex things with just a few keystrokes, combine existing programs in new ways, and automate repetitive tasks. The Unix shell (command line) has been around longer than most of its users have been al... Continue reading →

  • The Big Data Turn in the Humanities: Sailing into Uncharted Waters

    The total amount of data created by 2020, if stored in a stack of single-layer Blu-ray discs, would reach seven times the distance between the Earth and the Moon. In 2019 alone, content creators uploaded 30,000 years of video to YouTube, and Naver's flagship data center, Kak, handles more informatio... Continue reading →

  • Program on Political Economy Seminar

    Zoom links for Political Economy Seminar are distributed via the seminar's mailing list. You can sign up for the list using this link: All interested faculty and students are invited to attend. Today's presenter: Katia Zhuravskaya (Paris School ... Continue reading →

  • Veterans Day (obs. for staff)

    University offices are closed today. Classes will still be held.... Continue reading →

  • Workshop in Applied Statistics

    You can attend this workshop via this link: If you would like to be added to the email list to receive reminders and information about the series, please send your email address to Soichiro Yamauchi ( Today's presenter: Cory McCartan (Ha... Continue reading →

  • Python Natural Language Processing

    This hands-on workshop will introduce foundational concepts in natural language processing (NLP) as well as techniques for analyzing text (natural language) data using Python's Natural Language ToolKit (NLTK) library. We will work through an entire basic NLP workflow covering acquiring text corpora ... Continue reading →

  • Working Group in Political Psychology and Behavior (WoGPoP)

    Join the WoGPoP email list to receive the Zoom link. You can subscribe here: Today's presenter: Ashley Jardina, Duke University The Working Group in Political Psychology and Behavior (WoGPoP) is an interdisciplinary forum for the presentatio... Continue reading →

  • Program on Political Economy Seminar

    Zoom links for Political Economy Seminar are distributed via the seminar's mailing list. You can sign up for the list using this link: All interested faculty and students are invited to attend. Today's presenter: Paola Sapienza (Northwestern Uni... Continue reading →

About the Harvard Discovery Series

The Harvard Discovery Series brought scholars on the frontiers of digital knowledge-making to a Harvard audience in an intimate and interactive setting. From an archaeologist reconstructing tombs in virtual reality, to scholars challenging power differentials through data feminism, to a quantum astrochemist using high-performance computing to search for life among the stars, these presentations of disparate topics demonstrated the unifying potential of digital methods and tools in scholarly and pedagogical pursuits. The series went online in 2020 and was sunset in 2022.