Version control software allows you to save “versions” of files -- scripts, text files, web pages, data, etc. -- which show the changes that were made to the files over time, and allows you to backtrack if necessary and undo those changes. The ability alone – of being able to compare two versions or reverse changes, makes it fairly invaluable when working on larger projects. Even more so when collaborating in research groups.
This hands-on workshop will take you through the steps of using Git / GitKraken and GitHub, to track changes, revert to older versions, and share your files with other people. Ultimately, to keep you organized, to reduce the clutter, and maintain an intelligible history of files in your projects.
This workshop will be delivered by the HBS Research Computing Services group in partnership with the Data Science Services group at IQSS.
Visit the Harvard Training Portal for details and registration information (requires HarvardKey).