The Harvard Library Geospatial Working Group invites you to attend:
Story Maps: An Introduction
Presenter: Dani Brown, Geospatial Data Technical Assistant, Harvard Library, ITS
When: Friday, April 19th, 2019, 1:00pm-2:00pm ET
Where: Lamont Library, Room B-30
Want to enhance your data and present your research in a polished and engaging format? Please join us for a demonstration on ESRI’s Story Maps (https://storymaps.arcgis.com/en/), a versatile web-based application available to the Harvard community that lets you bring together interactive maps, text, images, and multimedia to create stylish presentations, digital exhibitions, and compelling narratives. This workshop is intended for all students, researchers, educators, and staff.
All are welcome. No RSVP required.
Please note: Access to Lamont Library is typically limited to Harvard affiliates. If you would like to attend this event but do not have access to Lamont Library, please e-mail: Marc McGee (mmcgee@fas.harvard.edu)