Edwin O. Reischauer Institute Japan Forum Lecture Series
With increasing demands for remote learning and digitally-inflected pedagogy, how can educators deploy various types of online media in our teaching and scholarship? This virtual session will feature two scholars of Japan introducing how they integrated digital media into their classrooms, from the development of assignments to their execution, while considering the pedagogical benefits (and pitfalls) of engaging with online tools. Paula R. Curtis (Yale University) will address the use of Wordpress, Instagram, and Twitter for reflection and discussion assignments in small-scale seminar settings. Tristan R. Grunow (Pacific University) encourages scholars to consider podcasts as both substitutes for traditional print-based reading assignments, and as digital alternatives to written assessments.
Paula R. Curtis is a historian of medieval Japan. She is presently a Postdoctoral Research Associate and Lecturer in History at Yale University with the Council on East Asian Studies. Her current book project focuses on metal caster organizations from the twelfth to sixteenth centuries and their relationships with elite institutions. She also works on the history of documentary forgery in premodern Japan. In addition, Dr. Curtis collaborates in several online projects, including the Digital Humanities Japan initiative; an online database for digital resources related to East Asia; the blog What can I do with a B.A. in Japanese Studies; and the digital archive Carving Community: The Landis-Hiroi Collection.
Tristan R. Grunow is an historian of modern Japan, and Visiting Assistant Professor at Pacific University. Previously, he was Associate Research Scholar at the Council on East Asian Studies at Yale University, Assistant Professor without Review for three years at the University of British Columbia, a postdoctoral fellow at the Reischauer Institute of Japanese Studies at Harvard University, and Visiting Assistant Professor at Bowdoin College. In addition to organizing the Meiji at 150 Project, co-curating the Meiji at 150 Digital Teaching Resource, and co-organizing the Hokkaidō 150 workshop and digital platform at UBC, he also produced the Meiji at 150 Podcast and is now producing the Japan on the Record podcast.
Registration: https://harvard.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJwuf-6qrjsvE9CH0d9T6GjNsVDqdvqpBwKG
Originally posted at https://rijs.fas.harvard.edu/events/library-panel-medieval-texts-and-modern-podcasts-lessons-digital-media-pedagogy