Today, visual and digital tools are increasingly being used in the social sciences and humanities for translating historical documents into datasets that can be digitally manipulated and recombined. Mapping is an effective tool for reconstructing the past, which reveals the spatial relationships that stimulated cultural, social and political change over time. In Mapping History, we will introduce digital tools and workflows for visualizing and interpreting historical data, and learn how to present historical information with online maps.
We will cover the basics of QGIS and web mapping with Leaflet JS, as well as:
- Georeferencing historical maps, including materials from the Harvard Map collection
- Creating vector files with QGIS (for example, tracing an old rail system)
- Introducing the time factor into digital workflow
- Creating multilayer historical web maps and developing a tool for comparing different layers.
Mapping History will be led by Nil Tuzcu (Harvard Kennedy School and MIT), a designer and creative technologist who works at the intersection of user experience design, data storytelling and interaction design. She will be assisted by members of the DSSG.
This two-day workshop will run on October 30 from 10am - 12pm, and on October 31 from 10am - 2pm. Participants who can attend the workshop in its entirety will be prioritized; registration will be limited to 15 students. Register here via the Harvard Training Portal.