Presenters: Peter Bol, Harvard University, China Biographical Database Grace Fong, McGill University, Ming-Qing Women’s Writings Andrew Gordon, Harvard University, Japan Disasters Digital Archive Project Helen Hardacre, Harvard University, Constitutional Revision Research Project
It is difficult to start a digital scholarship project. Maintaining it for decades is even more difficult. In this year’s first forum of the East Asian Digital Scholarship Series, we invite the founders of four long-running North American-based projects. Peter Bol, Grace Fong, Andrew Gordon, and Helen Hardacre will share their experiences in building and leading digital scholarship projects.
The East Asian Digital Scholarship Series, founded by Feng-en Tu and Sharon Yang, has been a monthly luncheon at Harvard-Yenching Library. This year, the Series will be conducted remotely and is sponsored by Harvard-Yenching Library with the support of the Fairbank Center for Chinese Studies, Reischauer Institute of Japanese Studies, and Korea Institute. The Series will cover a wide range of topics in East Asian digital scholarship.
Presented via Zoom Webinar. Register at http://bit.ly/EADS2020_1.