Interested in diving into IIIF? Check out this external workshop from the IIIF Consortium. Special price for Harvard affiliates, as Harvard is a IIIF Consortium member.
About this Event
The course will cover:
- Getting started with the Image API
- Getting started with the Presentation API
- Creating IIIF Manifests
- Annotating IIIF resources
- Setting up a basic annotation server
- Introduction to various IIIF tools and techniques for scholarship
No prior knowledge of IIIF is required and the core sessions should be easily accessible to those with confidence using the Web. Prior knowledge of HTML and JSON syntax is useful but not required.
Note: This course is aimed at the North and South American time zones.
Participants will follow the online workshop materials including watching videos on the Image and Presentation APIs, and creating annotations with IIIF.
Support will be given by the IIIF Technical Coordinator in the form of a group Slack channel, daily group check-in sessions, and 1 to 1 meetings. Participants are encouraged to bring their own images to the workshop and work on a project during the week putting in to practice what they are learning and these will be demoed to other participants on the last day of the workshop.
After this class, participants will be able to:
- Run a local image server
- Annotate IIIF images
- Build a IIIF Presentation manifest using the Bodleian Manifest Editor
- Relate existing applications of IIIF to local user needs
Course details
The workshop will take place over five days (see schedule below). Participants typically need to dedicate 3-4 hours a day and follow the material for one topic a day.
Participants are expected to attend the Monday and Friday meetings in real time, and may drop in on the check-in meetings to meet other participants and discuss any ideas or discuss issues they are having.
Participants will need a laptop on which they can install software and should be able to commit to a minimum of 3-4 hours per day for the 5-day course to get the most out of it. They will need to install Zoom, Slack, and various workshop specific tools.
As well as the core sessions listed above there are a number of guest presentations that were recorded during the first online workshop available in the Workshop notes. If participants are interested in hearing about other tools we will try and source extra Guest presentations during the week. These sessions will be recorded for later viewing by participants that can’t make these extra calls.
If you have any questions about this event please reach out to us at events@iiif.io.
This course is aimed at North and South American time zones. The structure of the course will be as follows:
Course Structure
Day 1 - IIIF Basics
Introductions and course overview zoom call at 21:00 GMT / 4:00pm EST / 1:00pm PST
- Introduction to IIIF - Video 1 hour
- Using IIIF for research - 1 hour
- Follow the exercises in the Workshop documents
Day 2 - IIIF Image API
Group check in meeting at 21:00 GMT / 4:00pm EST / 1:00pm PST
- Image API - video 1 hour
- Image API tasks in Workshop notes
At a minimum complete the ‘Hosted - Internet Archive’ option
Day 3 - Presentation API
Group check in meeting at 21:00 GMT / 4:00pm EST / 1:00pm PST
- Presentation API brief intro - video 10 mins
- Presentation API hands on - video 1 hour
- Follow Presentation API tasks in Workshop notes
At a minimum create a Manifest using the Bodleian manifest editor that we can use in the Annotations session
Day 4 - Annotations
Live presentation at 21:00 GMT / 4:00pm EST / 1:00pm PST
- IIIF and Annotations - video 1 hour
- Follow annotations tasks in Workshop notes
Day 5 - Project demos
Project demos and closing meeting at 21:00 GMT / 4:00pm EST / 1:00pm PST
- Work on projects and presentation