In this comprehensive workshop, participants will learn how to enhance their scholarly impact by learning: how to create better slides; which digital tools to use for different presentation tasks; how to create an interconnected digital scholarly presence.
create compelling and impactful presentations by mastering the art of good slides and exploring the vast possibilities of digital presence. From graphic design principles to using Google Slides templates effectively, this workshop will cover it all. We will delve into citation and acknowledgements in slides, ensuring accessibility for all audiences, and making the deck accessible even after the presentation. Moreover, participants will gain insights into various digital tools based on data types, such as map-making with Mapbox, general visualizations, Flourish, Datawrapper, and Voyant. Additionally, we'll explore the scholarly aspects of digital presence, including ORCID, GitHub for code and data, scholarly portfolio websites, data repositories like Dataverse with DOI tracking, and data publishing journals like the Journal of Open Humanities Data.